
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

My diary for the readership of Ubqari

Ubqari Magazine - Ubqari Magazine January 2019

I have shared some home remedies, tonic and my experiences for the benefit of the readership of Ubqari, I hope this would benefit them.

The thousands of tested gimmicks of my medical center

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Asslam o Alikum!I am a certified quacks and surgeon. By the special grace of God and run a well-known medical center. By the grace of God thousands of patients have recovered from my prescriptions. There was a time when I used to tell not a soul about my gimmicks.  But since I have started to read Ubqari magazine all the idol of miser has been crushed. Today my prescription diaries which I had secretly hidden wrapped in a cloth in my cupboard so that no one will find it. And all those prescriptions through which I have earned millions and still I am earning it.  I am presenting them all to readers of Ubqari with the intention of charity.

Akseer azam tablets



Heat of bladder, JARYAN, LAKORIA heat of stomach and lever. Bad constipation, gas and piles, pains of knees. Belly pain and for weakness of nerves and is very beneficial. ھو الشافی


Usage All medicines should be crushed together in same quantity and mix in honey to make medicines.

Dosage 2 tablets along with milk. it is very beneficial. It finishes all types of gases. Benefits appendix in 5 minutes only. Beneficial and tested drug. It should be kept in all medical centers and houses. 

A prescription which never misses any targeted pain of kidney.

It is the way of my center for last 25 years that whoever got was benefited.

  ھو الشافیRavand khatai  5 TOLA and a lot of medicines

All medicines should be mixed together and prepare a powder. In a day from 3 to 5 table spoons should be taken with water and churned milk.

Powder of medicine.

Those who have different types of tensions, victim of depression and miles away from sleep then all these people should make tablets  and eat them. And live peaceful lives. 

ھو الشافی Dahnia bareen and a lot of medicines

 Should be eaten 2 MASHA every day. By the will of God you will get peaceful sleep. 

For getting pregnancy

This is the best prescription for getting pregnancy۔ I am naming it to readers of Ubqari and this hasn’t been tested once but million times.

ھو الشافی  Satwar arhai tola and a lot of medicines

Should be taken early in morning on an empty stomach along with milk. Other than that take each cloves and recite on each 41 times (space for Arabic text). Every day one should be eaten by the woman and by the will of God pregnancy would happen. After benefiting pray from me and Ubqari organization.


Constipation and obesity removed. For gas, constipation and obesity, for all that this medicine has been tested millions of times. By the will of God whenever you will try it you will benefit it.  It is in routine use for last 25 years.

Less expense and benefits a lot.

ھو الشافی

Mibsar 2 tola   5 tola and a lot of medicines

 All medicines should be mixed together after powdering them all.


Along with SHARBAT E CHEENI one tablet should be taken in size of a rice  every day 3 times . 

For non-pregnancy

ھو الشافی  Ravand khatai  5 tola and a lot of medicines 

All medicines should be mixed together and in form of a tablet of capsule in morning and evening which is beneficial. Along with that use spiritual treatment

In morning and evening recite (یا اللہ) 500 times. By the blessing of God the disease of non-pregnancy will be crushed and destroyed. All above mention prescriptions have been tested and are very beneficial (Hakeem Muhamamd Arshad Zubair Sargodha)

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